Libido Insurance

With Libido Insurance our goal was to produce a campaign that presented condoms from a slightly different perspective and one that would be sex positive.  Pulling from some popular insurance advertisements we went a bit cheeky, transforming them for a different...

Revue VIH/sida, droit et politiques 14(1) mai 2009

DOSSIERSConfusion et inquiétudes liées à la criminalisation – Une décennie depuis l’arrêt Cuerrier« Des patients, pas des criminels »? Examen du système thaïlandais de traitement forcé de la toxicomanieDÉVELOPPEMENTS AU CANADAC.-B. – Les...

Grocery program consent form

A consent form for grocery pick-up at PWN.The PWN resources in Sage can be reproduced and adapted for non-commercial use with credit to the author. Please note that resources are being shared for archival reference and may contain information that is now...