The Youth Services Bureau of Ottawa (YSB) provides life-changing services for youth and their families. Our services support young people and their families as they resolve complex issues.
YSB is one of the largest non-profit agencies serving youth in Ottawa and is a registered charity. It's highly trained staff members provide a safe, non-judgmental environment for youth where they are valued and engaged.
One of the many services provided at the YSB is Youth Engagement. Youth Advisory Committee's (YACS) and peer-to-peer services are created by youth and for youth, and each individual committee reflects a youth's community. These committee's aim to provide service, advocacy, and awareness to and for these communities, and focus on advocating and creating programs and services for youth living in Ottawa.
The Hep-C Youth Engagement Team focuses on the education of the harms of Hepatitis-C and the ways it is transferred. Using engaging means of outreach, this peer-to-peer education team educates youth on harm reduction. This includes how to keep themselves safe and healthy when engaging in activities that have the risk of Hapatitis-C transfer.