Immigrant and racialized communities

HIV Stigma in African, Caribbean and Black Communities/ La stigmatisation liée au VIH dans les communautés africaines, caraïbéennes et noires

People from African, Caribbean and Black (ACB) communities face multiple forms of stigma and discrimination. HIV-related stigma is just one of these. The purpose of this fact sheet is to raise awareness among health and social service professionals about the...

SPEAK Pocket Guide

This resource was created as a discreet engagement tool for ACB communities. This tool is an effective method to educate those from all generations, concerned about HIV in the ACB community. Designed in a pocket size to make it easy to carry and afford discretion to...

Living with HIV

‘Living with HIV’ aims to bring awareness to the multiple challenges people living with HIV face.  Three posters make up this campaign – all contain the same messaging, only the imagery changes.  One image is a woman and the other two featuring...

Talking Black: Understanding the HIV-related needs, challenges and priorities of heterosexual African, Caribbean and Black men in Ontario, Canada

This report presents results from iSpeak, which was a research study implemented in 2011 to understand the HIV-related needs, challenges and priorities of heterosexual Black men (i.e., African, Caribbean and Black) in Ontario. The study was developed and implemented...